Benefits of Sheepskin

Benefits of Sheepskin

Experience what thousands and thousands of others have discovered, which is sheepskin, one of the oldest & most natural materials used by man kind. It can enhance your comfort wherever you matter how fast or laid back your lifestyle is...


SHEEPSKIN...remains cool in summer and warm in winter.

SHEEPSKIN...(most) can be machine washable. medically proven beneficial for many conditions. able to absorb moisture to eliminate and heal bed sores (and naturally breathe it off).

SHEEPSKIN...relieves aching bones through the natural breathing process of the wool and the fiber cushion effect. gentle on your skin because it contains lanolin.

SHEEPSKIN...helps heal sensitive or inflamed skin and rashes. environmentally safe. SHEEPSKIN is dirt and bacteria resistant and is non-combustable. beneficial for everyone: babies, invalids, athletes, truckers, motorcyclists, cyclists, etc. Wonderful!

You can use Sheepskin products anywhere you fancy...

  • On your desk chair or workbench
  • Take it when travelling...on a plane, train, bus, motorcycle or vehicle
  • In front of the fireplace
  • On a rocking chair or recliner
  • On your bed
  • Under your sheets
  • On wood furniture
  • In front of your bed
  • On your bathroom floor
  • For your wheelchair
  • At a concert
  • In a honeymoon suite
  • On the back of your sofa
  • fancy

SHEEPSKIN is...the ultimate in softness, comfort and warmth...

By Colena Weimer